50 Boss Babe Motivation Quotes and Captions For Instagram

 Are you looking for epic boss babe quotes? Well, you are in the right place. It seems that you are a boss girl like me that runs her business and need some inspiration. Believe me, it is not easy to be your own boss, but hang on there, and you will come out with flying colors, girl. These ultimate boss babe quotes will sure ignite the much-needed fire in your belly to keep you going.

‘Create the highest, grandest vision for your life, because you become what you believe.’ – Oprah Winfrey 

‘The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.’ – Ayn Rand

‘I realized it was only me that was stopping myself from living my life.’ – Jennifer Aniston

‘In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man; if you want anything done, ask a woman.’ – Margaret Thatcher

‘The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.’ – Amelia Earhart

‘Nothing will work unless you do.’ – Maya Angelou

A woman is like a teabag. You can’t tell her how strong she is until you put her in hot water.’ – Eleanor Roosevelt

‘Focused and Fabulous.’

‘Today’s forecast – 100% chance of winning.’

‘No time for bullsh*t.’

‘Stop waiting girl. Get what’s yours.’

‘I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.’ – Maya Angelou quotes

‘Strong women don’t have attitudes. They have standards.’

‘I’m not lucky. I just work hard and create my own luck.’

‘Shout out to my coffee, phone and sunglasses.’

‘The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.’ – Coco Chanel

‘Stop trying to prove it to other people. Prove it to yourself.’

‘You kinda owe to yourself to do all the things you dreamed.’

‘I know for sure what we dwell on is what we become.’

‘I am so happy I followed through with my goals.’ – You in the Future

‘To you who’s not feeling like you’re enough today. Remember everything you feel isn’t true. And everything you feel isn’t you. You are enough just as yourself. Don’t accept anything less.’

‘I’m not even going to talk about my goals for the new year, just sit back and watch boo.’

‘I started treating myself as a boss and it let others with no choice but to treat me like one too.’

‘I don’t need you to be proud of me. I’m proud of myself.’

‘I am currently creating the woman I want to be. Excuse me while I become super selfish with my time and energy.’

‘I’m chasing happiness. Everything else is a bonus.’

‘Divas don’t do dramas. We do business.’

‘Be the woman that fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world it was crooked.’

‘Women who invest in themselves go further.’

‘Slay the day.’

‘Life is good because I decided to make it that way.’

‘Actually, I can.’

‘Who cares if it hasn’t been done before.’

‘Keep ’em guessing.’

‘Don’t be a lady; Be a legend.’

‘My soul’s too lit to give a sh*t.’

‘Onto the next one.’

‘I chose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.’

‘Practice what you post.’

‘I just want to hustle in peace, surround myself with positive vibes only, eat good food, and define my own version of happiness and success.’

‘Don’t be afraid to be the full package.‘

‘I’m just a businesswoman with some swag. It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.’

‘It’s always a great day to look cute and make money.’

‘The main reason why people don’t have what they want is because of their own procrastination.’

‘There is a purpose in the struggle because it unleashes your full power. You are being pushed to thrive.’

‘I know I changed baby. That was the point.’

‘Even on my worst day, I’m killing it.’

‘You can find me somewhere between inspiring others, working on myself, dodging negativity, and slaying my goals.’

‘Be the girl who smiles politely when people look at her. Be the girl that says positive things when everyone is complaining. Be the girl that gives advice from the heart. Be the girl that tips generously. Be that girl.’

‘Don’t make excuses. If the plan doesn’t work don’t change the goal, change the plan.’

Original Source: Boss Babe motivation quotes


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